Thursday, January 27, 2011

Little Pink Tiles

"Oh ain't that America for you and me
Ain't that America somethin' to see baby
Ain't that America home of the free
Little pink tiles for you and me"

Just a little twist on a John Mellencamp song to get this post started.
It's been over a week since my last post.  I haven't really had anything earth shattering to write about so I haven't written.  Sorry to disappoint (Scott).  I will try to write more frequently.  I can't imagine having the pressure of writing for a sitcom or writing a book and having to make deadlines and having to think of clever things to say all the time!

My bathroom in my house is pretty outdated.  I have loved the vintage/retro little pink tiles on the floor since the first house showing and have never wanted to part with them.  I have dreamed of this awesome retro/modern pink bathroom that will someday be when I can scrape up the money to have it done (anyone interested in donating to the cause?  :) ).  I knew the walls had to go for a couple reasons; A., the tiles are plastic and periodically I will find one on the floor and will have to carefully set it back into it's proper place on the wall; and B., the tiles along with the floral wallpaper seem to scream late 80's rather than vintage 50's.

After being emailed an article from Tuesday's paper Bathrooms still in the pink, I realized I wasn't alone in my love for my pink bathroom.  People are loving and embracing their pink bathrooms and want more people to do the same.
There is even a website out there where you can pledge to save your pink bathroom:  I haven't made the pledge but will probably do so once I am on my way to giving at least the walls a facelift.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Curtain Call

I am in the midst of re-retro-fying (is that a word??) my kitchen.  When I moved in, my kitchen came equipped with a semi-yellow brick road floor, which besides having a couple nicks in it, is in great shape.  Rather than spend the money on a new one, I decided to just go with it.  Old is the new New, so why not?  I put new handles on the cabinets almost right away when I moved in (handle grime from unknown people is pretty disgusting to me) and I am now ready to tackle the rest of the kitchen.
After deciding I was going to keep the floor, my next goal was to find curtains.  The current lacy ones with a pale blue border and houses stitched into them, really didn't ring "70s Retro" to me.  So, I started hunting for the perfect pattern.  Come to find out, there wasn't much that was going to fit just perfect with my floor. Then a thought came to me...why don't I just find some cool fabric and have someone make some for me.  After a quick call to my Godmother giving me the green light to find fabric, I was off.  I had no idea I would strike gold almost immediately.  After typing "70's curtain fabric" into Google one day, there it finding three bucks in your winter coat pocket after a long summer in the closet...the fabric I didn't know existed, but knew I had to have.  It was awesome and I just prayed the cut of fabric would be the right size.  Turns out, it was perfect.
After the fabric arrived, Sue (my Godmother) came over, we measured, and two weeks later I got the call:  The curtains were ready.

Pretty sweet, huh?  Now I just have to find the perfect paint pallet and my kitchen will be as Far Out, Boss and Sick as it was in the 70's.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Old Friend...

After a movie and some cribbage with a friend tonight, I decided to meet up with a another friend--  A friend that got me through rainy summer days, made my brother and I, along with the other daycare kids, get into countless battles and allowed me to carry a gun before I could multiply five times five.  Tonight I blew the dust off the red and black buttons and decided to play a good ol' fashion game of Super Mario Brothers.  None of this PS2, DES, or whatever else people are playing these days; I got out my original Nintendo Entertainment System and went a few rounds with Super Mario himself.  
As I was playing, I was thinking about all the kids I know between the ages of 7 and 15 and all of the fancy dancy gaming systems they have now.  I wonder if they would even know how to play the Original Nintendo.  I haven't the slightest clue how to play most of the new stuff out now; I wonder what it would be like if they went back into our world.  I would like to challenge one of these know-it-all, DES, PS2, Xbox Kinect, totin' kids on an old fashioned Nintendo.  I don't think they would stand a chance.  They wouldn't even know where or how to begin!  They wouldn't know what exact bricks to hit in order to get those extra coins to get an extra guy, what warp zone to go to if you want to avoid the cloud that throws the fire and they of course wouldn't have the slightest clue what pipes to go down to get to the dragon in order to save the Princess!  And let's not forget the most important thing-- getting the game to work.  It takes a very gifted person to know precisely how to get a Nintendo game to work: *blow into game, Reset, Reset, Power, Reset right when the words come down, blow into game, Reset, Power, blow into game, flick game up and down inside the slot a bunch of times, blow into it again, Reset*
I may not know how to drive a Mario Cart using the Wii remote, but I do know exactly where the vines are to get up into the sky to the world of coins, where the extra guys are hidden, and how get past the dragon to save the Princess, even without your bullets.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

one one one, one one

one one one, one one; how cool!  weird to think that we won't see that again in our lifetime.  i wonder what the world will be like when that date comes around again.
why don't we celebrate dates like this?  we celebrate New Years and that comes around every single year...this though, comes along maybe once in a lifetime.
unfortunately i didn't do too much out of the ordinary to celebrate this rare event.  my dog Rizzo (i like to think i have shared custody with my parents), did however.  to mark this glorious date, Riz went to La'Pooch and got a groom.  fortunately, i was there to capture the before and after shots.  Rizzo pretty much thinks he is the king when he is sitting for the camera.  he usually hams it up and sits real still because  he knows he will get a "T" ('treat' in human terms) once i am done taking pictures.  Rizzo, are you ready for your close up?

doesn't he look crabby in the "after my haircut" shot??  he was probably mad that i made him sit there again.  i am sure he would have much rather pranced around with a toy in his mouth, showing off his new bandana.

happy one one one, one one.  i wonder what one one one one, one one (November 11th, 2011) will bring.  i guess we will have to wait and see!

Monday, January 10, 2011


After fiddling with my page over the past three or so days, I've come to the conclusion that blogs can be a huge pain in the butt and a huge savior at the same time. 

I built up this whole blogging thing to be something awesome.  I had all these ideas of what my blog would be called, how I would design the background (because I wasn't going to settle for a pre-made background..oh no, I had to try to run the marathon without even training! *note to self* don't think you are going to jump in to the wide world of web without meeting some nasty spiders on the way through!), and what I would write about.  
Turns out that coming up with a catchy name was more pressure than I thought, designing the background was easy but getting it to be perfect on screen is still somewhat of a mystery and when it comes down to it, I don't have that many interesting things to write about!
Why are ideas always so much better in your head??  I envy those few other blogs that I follow who's owners are able to write with such ease and have a newfound respect for the web guru's out there who dive into millions of characters of code each day so our websites can look good.  Thank you!

After all of the issues I have had with my blog, it wouldn't be where it is today without the help of some others along the way.  I turned to a lot of places, but one in-particular got me through the toughest times  *insert sappy music, ala, The Brady Bunch when Peter confesses he broke the lamp* to date.  If you ever need background help, I highly recommend this blog; it was my savior:

Hopefully now I can move on with my issues and just Shut Up and Blog (catchy new bumper sticker, perhaps??).  Thanks to my few followers; hopefully I will have something more interesting to write about in the future.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Girl On the Blog

wow, i can't believe i am blogging. i have been thinking about it for months; and here it is! i set a goal for my first blog to be posted by the end of the week. looks like i am going to make it, but there are still a few glitches i am working on-- i just want to be able to say i achieved my goal. i can't seem to get my background just right...i have searched and searched on how to upload a "custom" background, but that code is driving me insane and i have run out of patience for it on this saturday afternoon.

more later; can't wait to see what my post looks like. i am a nerd and i know it.