Sunday, September 25, 2011

They'll break your heart

A new roof on the dome, same old team. A glimmer of hope shone today as the Queens were up twenty to zip at halftime. The fans were going crazy and the place was rockin. Well like the roof back in December, the team fell apart in the second half. Our wonderful team blew a huge lead and lost the game once again. Luckily the tickets were free!!
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Friday, September 23, 2011

Sleepy in St. Paul Park

You know the scene in Home Alone where Peter and Kate McCallilster over sleep and wake up to the sound of someone pounding on their door, Kate yells Peter's name, they jump out of bed simultaneously and shout "we slept in!" ?  That was me this morning but instead of being late for the airport to catch a plane to Paris, I was late for a mediocre day at work.
When I woke to daylight, rather than the usual 5:24 darkness, I rolled over and thought to myself "this can't be happening again"...looked at the alarm clock and see it's blinking 6:14 in my face...almost flashing at me **  I pressed the little button on my phone to see the dreaded numbers: 7:48 (I start work at 7:30) and for the second time this week, I had over slept.  I said a few choice words as I flew down and brushed my teeth; not showering for the 2nd time this week (thankfully not in a row) threw an outfit together and was out the door by 8:06.  Thank God for semi-long hair, hair binders and body spray, I was able to discreetly hide the day-old dirty hair with a few tucks and twists and douse myself with Bath & Body Works Secret Wonderland to (hopefully) mask whatever night aroma decided to crawl onto me while I slept.
At least today I had a semi-excuse for over sleeping (the mysterious power outage)...Wednesday I had no excuse at all...I actually slept THROUGH my alarm clock ringing for 1 hour--I woke up to daylight at 8:10 in the same spot I went to sleep in, meaning I didn't even move over to hit the snooze button on my clock, I slept like a rock while K102 blasted through my radio.
Here's to hoping next week I won't have any mornings like Kate and Peter and the whole McCallister family (besides Kevin) did the day they flew to Paris and that I won't have the song from Home Alone running through my head as I rush out the door.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Favorite

Not that I like the fact that summer is ending, but one thing I do like about fall in Minnesota is that the Honeycrisp apples start to show their red cheeks in the bins at the grocery stores. I am not a huge apple fan, but these guys can't be beat. I think for the next couple months, New York should let us borrow their "The Big Apple" nickname. Whaddya think?
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Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Friday, September 16, 2011

Special delivery

All ready for the Big Leagues in my awesome cleats and socks that arrived yesterday!
Hopefully this will put an end to the feet and butt soreness that was caused from my old, broken down ones!


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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's a jungle out there

10 tips on how to grow an un-successful garden:

1. don't lay plastic down before you plant.
2. make sure the squares in the garden fence are big enough to let rabbits in for dinner.
3. when you find a few random pumpkin seeds sprouting up, leave them grow and take over everything.  you will be bummed out at first when you dream of the elaborate pumpkin patch you will have... but don't worry, you will get one measly green pumpkin by mid september and it will be as big as a baseball.  oh, and when the vines start creeping out of the fence and into your lawn, it's no big deal -- that just means you now have less grass to mow.
4. don't keep up with your weeds... a few weeds here and there and mountains of broad leaf grasses won't hurt anything.
5. don't water daily.  watering is over-rated.
5. make sure to over-plant -- they won't get that big.
6. don't keep up with picking the rhubarb--the less you pick, the more it grows.
7. make sure you plan to have a garden when the summer days are filled with massive heat and humidity and no rain.  a dry garden is a happy garden.
8. don't put insect preventer on more than once-- once is enough in my book.  who cares if you have nibble marks on that single, quarter-sized green pepper you have growing.
9. plant your green pepper and jalapeno plants in the most shaded area -- they hate the sun.
10. decide to put tomato cages around your tomato plants once they have grown about two feet and started to slump over -- it's much easier that way.

** editors note:  did anyone notice that i put two #5's?  i didn't until i went back to fix a type-o.  oh well, i am not going to change the title to 11 tips, that would just look ridiculous, and removing one of the tips would just be cruel!  people must have all the appropriate information if they are going to plant a lousy garden.

Wow, it's unreal what four short months can bring, huh?  I must say, it's quite impressive.
Oh least the tree (bottom left) from a random seed got bigger.  The food in the garden didn't provide me much, but at least the tree will give me the oxygen I am going to need to yank all of those weeds out in a couple weeks!  

Monday, September 12, 2011

I Go Back

I love when you stop at a gas station on a road trip to get snacks and you are pleasently surprised to see the huge selection of fountain beverages. It's even double the surprise when you see that the ICEE machine is stocked with the REAL ICEE cups and not just generic SA or Holiday ones. I am not going to lie...a big reason I got the ICEE yesterday was because of the cups. The cups always bring me back to when I was a kid and my aunt would bring my brother and I to Kmart and she would buy us each an ICEE. I loved them then and I still live them to this day! Long live the ICEE and its original cup!
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Friday, September 2, 2011

(almost) going postal at the bank

My nice, 1/2 day off on a Friday before a long weekend went awry for about 20 minutes today... Can I vent and paint you a little picture of how my "quick trip" to the bank to cash a measly 16, yes that's right, SIXTEEN dollar check turned ugly?

I pulled into the wells fargo drive through during what most people would think would be a busy time of day...Friday, lunch time, a day before a holiday weekend.  One would think that the geniuses at wells fargo would know to stock pile drive through tellers on this particular afternoon.  Apparently, we thought wrong.
I pull up seeing cars A, B, and C (shown above) already starting their transactions..I think to myself "good, this will be quick".  Now the big dilemma as to what lane to pull into.  Normally I would go behind car A, but the combination of the over-chipper teller who insists on telling me her name, age and date of birth (ok, that was a little exaggerated, but they do tend to be over-nice sometimes) and how close she is to me when she tells me all of this information doesn't sit well with my brain today.  So, I proceed to pull behind car C.
I wait.  And wait.  And wait.
I am getting a little annoyed, but can handle it for now.  Another car (not shown), we'll call her car D, pulls in behind car A.  It's a run down car with more noises than the swine barn at the State Fair with a girl about my age driving.  Not too long after car D pulls in, car A is done....Of course, just my luck that car D gets her turn right away even though i have been waiting behind car C for about ten minutes (no exaggeration).  I try to remain's just then that I hear car D start telling the teller all of her problems and complaints about how she was over-drafted because she got extra money in her account somehow but the customer service people said the money was hers.  "so i used the money and then i checked the balance on my wells fargo app on my phone and i see that i have an overdraft. so i called customer service again and they were really rude" <--- note, this is NOT made up, I could clearly hear this girl because she had all of her windows down and mine was down too.  This back and fourth went on between car D and the teller for probably 3 minutes.  By now, more cars had pulled in and I am pretty sure everyone  could hear what was going on.  In the mean time, cars B and C are still in their original places--they haven't budged, which means I haven't budged.  To say I was mad would be an understatement.  I then hear the teller tell car D that she can pull around and go in and talk to someone inside about the rude customer service person.  Car D: "i don't have time, i have to go bring my car to the mechanic ("i should hope so", I say out loud), that was just my sister calling to tell me i have to meet her there".
By this time, the frustration is mounting...I can see others shaking their heads and I can't even imagine what's going on inside car B & C's heads...they've now been there longer than I have.
Without a thought in my mind, I shout (basically at the top of my lungs) "HURRY UP"! in the direction of the over-sharer who is in car D.  She kind of turns to see who is yelling and as she does, i throw my car in Reverse (thankfully nobody had pulled behind me yet), back up, throw it into Drive and storm off through the open ATM lane, looking over at the wall of windows where the under-staffed tellers are sitting, just shaking my head in disbelief.
UGH, I was so mad!  I was mad about it for a good 20 minutes after it happened...I ate some lunch and got over it...but now, as I sit and re-live it, I am getting mad again!  
The over-sharing of car D is one thing, but to even have to sit in line for ten minutes with only one car in front of you on a Friday over lunch is another.
I would call the local branch and complain, but I would probably have to press 1 for English and even then I would probably get transferred to call call bank in India where they still wouldn't understand me.