Monday, February 18, 2013

An Ode to the Weekend

This past weekend I was a 14 again, the Parking Police and a disgruntled jeans shopper.

This post isn't going to be as bad as it sounds.  It's not at all a bad thing that I was all three characters this weekend--I loved every second of it!

14 again - I spent Friday and Saturday night babysitting.  Well, technically Friday wasn't real BABYsitting as more of "hanging out with a 6 year old".  It was cool.  I was brought back to the land of Pretend, was reminded how really bad, but oh so good The Brady Bunch episodes really are and realized as an adult how kids at that age have already gotten it all figured out in the "I'll test you" department.
Saturday I really did BABYsit for my nephew.  It was pretty standard in the life of watching an 8-month old. Eat, change, laugh, play, bath, bed.  He is really the sweetest baby you'll ever meet.  :)

The Parking Police - While walking into Cub Saturday morning, right there, smack dab in the front of the store, between the In & Out doors is a mini van literally half parked on the sidewalk, right in front of the water softener pellets.  Normally, this kind of behavior, although annoying and uncalled for, would have just rolled off my shoulders and I would have let it go.  But not this time.  Why not this time, you ask?  Because it was the second time I had witnessed this ridiculous behavior in a month (different vans, same situation).  It's gotta stop and how's it gonna stop if nobody says anything?  This younger (probably mid to late 30's) mom was, I am not joking, parked about 10 feet from the building.  Just sitting there obviously waiting for someone who was inside the store.  If two people with carts were trying to go down the sidewalk to get to their parking spot, they wouldn't have fit through.  This woman was just sitting in this van, yacking on her phone like she was Queen Bee.  Did she not feel remotely stupid that half of her lame Chevy van was on the sidewalk in the front of a building???  Did she not notice that people were literally avoiding not running into her parked van??  I wasn't going to put up with hit.  I gave her an evil eye as I passed but she didn't even flinch.  I got about two steps past the passenger side door and I decided to go back.  I walked back, stared into her window until she finally used her peripheral vision and spotted me standing there.  She tilts her phone away from her chin and just looks at me like "huh"..."duh"??  And I say "You aren't supposed to park here" loudly through her closed window.  Then she must have said "hang on" into her phone and she proceeds to roll down the passenger side window.  I say again, as the window is now half down "You aren't supposed to park here".  And she says all innocently and dopey "oh, ok".  It's like c'mon lady, what do you think??  I think she thought I was a worker or something because there was actually a hint of *worry* in her voice--like "oh no, the Cub Parking Lot Police are going to get me if I don't move".  Anyway, I hope I got her to move.  That behavior is just plain rude.  I was kind of hoping for a small nod of appreciation from some customers who witnessed my random act of rule obeying, but nobody seemed to care or they were too scared that I might judge the way they push their carts through the toothpaste isle or something.
And not that this has anything to do with the Parking Lot Police, but does it take anyone else like 10 minutes to pick out garbage bags??  How come there are like 2 sizes of bags but I swear, the section takes up a quarter of the isle??  I find myself second guessing my gallon size, double-checking that this certain brand has the draw string ties and then comparing box counts to make sure I am not missing some big detail that will make me regret my garbage bag buying decision!

Disgruntled Jeans Shopper - I have been wearing the same two pairs of jeans (I refer to them as my 'fat jeans' solidly for the last 8 months.  I am tired of them.  They are virtually the same dark color, I want a lighter color pair and I want a better quality pair.  Every time I go shopping I look for jeans.  Sunday was no different.  I refuse to cave to the Skinny Jean craze.  People who aren't skinny shouldn't wear skinny jeans.  It says so right in the title.  America is overweight people, it's a proven fact.  Why are you still selling mostly skinny jeans???  Can't an average-size 31 year old just get a decent pair of boot cut jeans anymore?  Jeans that don't hang down to the middle of my butt crack, have just the slightest boot cut at the bottom and don't come with crazy flair or machine-made holes??

Anyway, that's it for me!  How was your weekend??

Thursday, February 14, 2013

St. Valentine's

Oh Access sure do know how to grab a reader's attention.  Your web people are brilliant..."Hey, I have an idea, let's put a story up on how to make single people even more depressed on this 'holiday' by putting up TIPS that you should AVOID doing".
Lesson one:  When giving advice, you usually tell people what TO DO, not what NOT TO DO.
Lesson two:  Young females, which I am sure frequent your site a lot because they are into Hollywood gossip, probably have seen the majority of these movies more than once, know what they are about and will make up their own mind to either spend their Thursday night watching a movie they love and know by heart or they will avoid it like the Plague--sorry to burst your bubble, but they don't need advice from you.
Lesson three: A Walk to Remember made the list?  Please.  And what's that movie with Richard Gere and Diane Lane?  I've never heard of it.  Any 'romantic' movie that involved Richard Gere after Runaway Bride should have never left the editing room -- clearly you didn't consult with any true movie critics before releasing this great "list" of yours.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Let your chocolate and sweets intake be plentiful!  I've already had my share of sweets and have gotten three Valentine' of which even included a little greenery that had Mr. Andrew Jackson printed on it.  :)
