Sunday, January 26, 2014

An Open Door Policy

Hi there!

A lot has been going on around here.  Why I haven't written about it, I have no idea.  I keep telling myself I need to get better about blogging but I apparently don't listen very well.
Anyway, I am extremely excited because I am finally starting to redo my kitchen.  Last month when I wrote I mentioned that the new/used cabinets didn't work out too well.  Well it turns out that what did work out well was removing the cheesy laminate woodgrain stuff that covered my cabinets.  I had a couple hours last weekend before I had to be somewhere so i decided to take a stab at removing the laminate.  Two hours and one slice in my hand later, all the laminate on the ends of the cabinets and the bottoms were off, as well as all of the crown molding and scalloped piece of wood that  sits above the sink, between the two cabinets.  The cabinets will definitely need a good nail hole filling, sanding and scrubbing before I can even think about painting them, but besides that, i was pleasantly surprised as to how they looked.
Monday night I took off all the doors and as it sits right now, my kitchen has an open door policy.  It took me a day or so to get used to everything being right in my face.  I would see an "open cabinet" out of he corner of my eye and immediately go to shut the cupboard door, thinking it was open.  Anyway, I needed to take the doors off to get the rest of the laminate off the front of the cabinets.  I did the rest of that today.  So now is onto the messy part: the filling of holes and sanding.  I'll keep you posted on the progress and knock-on-wood that I'll get better at writing more posts in between!

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