Monday, April 11, 2011

New Season, New Clothes

I love that Spring has sprung...the sights of kids riding bikes, skateboarding and playing catch in the streets, the sounds of motorcycles and the smell of freshness in the air.  The only thing not fresh and rejuvenating about this new season... the clothes in my closet waiting for me to put on.  Like a bad Lifetime movie, my clothes are DE-Pressing.  Not that I despise my spring clothes, it's just that some of them have run their course and it's time to put them in the *only wear when desperate* category.  Similar to the pot hole-filled streets after a harsh winter, my wardrobe needed a facelift.  I don't recall it changing much in the past two spring seasons so I decided to treat myself and get some fresh stuff this weekend.
I love getting new clothes.  Whether it's for recreational use (new pink and black nylon Champion shorts purchased on Sunday to match my softball shirt), an everyday "trustee" (as my sister-in-law calls them) shirt, or a new "casual but still dressy enough for work" shirt, new clothes are fun.
I love getting all the bags home and dumping them out on my bed and looking at them.  I also love when you forget that you bought something and then you see it only after you dump all your clothes out.  It's like finding a hidden treasure.
Then it's time to cut the tags off and peel the size label off the shirt or pants (hopefully you don't forget about it on the pants and wear them with the sticker still on them like I am sure we have all either done or witnessed... maybe some of you have even been nice enough to let that poor lady know that her size is on display for the world to see).  Taking the tags off is kind of a big thing for me.  It's time to decide:  should I bite the tag off or take the extra 10 to 15 seconds and go get the scissors.  Let's be honest...99% of us won't get the scissors.  I am then always perplexed at the extra button and the teeny tiny ziploc bag it comes in.  Should I keep this??...  What if I throw it away and this shirt is so cheap that the button falls off right away? ... If I keep it, I know I will never use it.   I almost always keep it and I don't think I have ever used or needed it...maybe once, but I don't even think it was for the shirt it was intended for.  A button fell off a cardigan of mine back in October and have yet to A. sew the button back on or B. wear the cardigan again because of that missing button.  What's with that??  It's a simple stitch but yet the thought of going through the motions of fixing it is just too much.  I wind up throwing out dozens of tiny plastic bags of buttons every five years or so when I get around to cleaning out my junk drawer.
What about the clothes that are so exciting you want to wear them right away but you can't because they are too wrinkled from being stuffed into that plastic bag all day that had been twisted around your wrist a jazillion times while shopping, thrown into the car and then sat on your floor for a day or so before you unloaded them from the bag onto the bed.  That's when you either bite the bullet and throw them into the wash and have to wait at least a day to wear them OR, get out the Downy Wrinkle Release and spray away.  Tonight, I had to do both.  Some fabrics just weren't meant to un-wrinkle with the magic of Downy and must go into the wash and be tumbled to dry.
Now if I only had enough hangers to hang my new clothes on when they come out of the dryer.  Looks like a closet clean out is next on the Spring Has Sprung list.  Can't wait!

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