Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Any day now...

I am not a professional photographer and I don't claim to be one but when my sister in law asked me to take some maternity pictures before the new little bundle of joy arrives, I jumped at the chance!  Any excuse outside of work to play around in Photoshop is always fun.  Plus, it was a good reason to use some new filters found here and fiddle around and try some homemade ones as well.  So Sunday evening was the perfect night for pictures.  We loaded up Maize and were off to the park for some fun, some awkward and some trying-to-be-serious shots!
Anyway, here are some of my favorites--I think they turned out pretty well.  It didn't hurt that the subjects were easy to look at and the sun setting gave us the perfect light.
Thanks J & A for letting me take the pics!  Can't wait to take some pics of the baby when he arrives!  xoxo


  1. Nice job Leiann!! These look super professional! What camera did you use?

    1. Thanks! I just used my regular ol' Sony Cyber Shot (is that even how you spell it?)
