I interrupt this 30 Day Photography Challenge to bring you some breaking news!
AP NEWS WIRE: 2013. Oct 21 12:36 PM CDT
HASTINGS (AP) Facebook was down early this morning and may still be experiencing some minor glitches. I hope your food supply is high and the batteries in your flashlights are fresh--the world may stop spinning. Everybody please go into panic mode because the World is currently in a state of Code Red.
Ok, in all seriousness... That blurb did not actually come from the Associated Press, I of course crafted that one up, but still. In all reality Facebook was and maybe still is experiencing glitches early this morning. I know this because a big portion of my job requires me to be on Facebook. When Facebook wasn't cooperating with me for about a half an hour this morning, I decided to take matters into my own hands and figure out what was going on. So I did the most logical thing: I went to Twitter.
I logged onto Twitter, searched the hashtag "Facebook" and wouldn't you know, the answer to my question was in front of my eyes, about 1000 times, in 140 characters or less. Who knew that Facebook being in a state of semi-limbo could cause such a fuss. I grabbed a few screen shots of the twitter feed for proof.
Allow me:
Believe me, this bunch of tweets was just a small portion of the tweets out there. Did you notice that actual, real-life NEWS channels were tweeting this garbage out??? One tweet (not shown) actually said that a NATIONAL news station in the UK actually talked about the story ON AIR. Either it was a really slow news day over there, Princess Kate wasn't anywhere to be found so they could photograph her 'post-baby bod' or Facebook is truly taking over our lives. We need to get a handle on this. It is really sad.
My favorite tweets of course are the ones who are making fun of the fact that FB was down. Like when Rob Johnson or @RobOnTheRun said: "#Facebook down?!! How will the girl who didn't talk to me in high school flood my news feed with pics of her 4th daughter's beauty pageant?!" and when Mark Arum or @MarkArum said: "#Facebook is down. I have no way of knowing if my friends took their kids apple picking or pumpkin picking this weekend."
Hopefully Facebook will be back online soon so we can get on with our lives, jobs and so that Zuckerberg and Google can continue to take over the world one LIKE at a time.
Hahahah!!! We live in a warped society. I love the comments of the people making fun of it too. SO TRUE!