Tuesday, August 2, 2011

you complete me kitchen, matey

Remember this post from January?...I told you I was re-rero-fying my kitchen?  Well this is a little late, but better late than never (plus, I finally got the ultimate finishing touch I was looking for), so I am here to present you my new/old kitchen.
It's been a long process, but not as long as it seems.  The paint preparation took the longest.  See in this first collage below, the huge 'paint spot' next to the back door (upper left photo)?  Well, that's not a paint spot my friends, that is a massive chunk of plaster wall that was basically peeling away from the plaster wall underneath it.  That's right, a couple of my kitchen walls looked like the surface of the moon.  I debated on painting a sign on a wall and nicknaming my kitchen the Crater Cafe.  Needless to say, the prep took a lot of time.  After weeks of peeling, scraping, sanding, massive amounts of powder and some cute puppy prints followed by a friend who gladly came over and re-mudded the wall by the back door for me, the Crater Cafe was read for paint.

I decided on two shades of green for the walls--a darker shade for above the cabinets and a lighter shade for the main walls--and a fresh coat of white for the ceiling.
Thanks to my mom who helped (and taught me how to paint a ceiling!), the two coats of paint was put on in the span of about a week--having to work all day and the short amount of daylight left in the winter when you get home really puts a damper on you getting your projects done around the house, doesn't it??

After the paint was applied, I was finally able to put my birthday present from my parents (the giant Fork and Spoon from Pier 1) to use!  No, I didn't eat with them, but I did hang them!

I had bought the clock earlier, knowing I would be wanting a retro looking clock.  I found the metal cafe at a local antique store, along with the owl whoo whoo (read it again, you'll get it) watches over me while I cook.  My dad found the bread-box for me at a swap meet and the spice rack that I have wanted since I moved into my house was at the right price and the right place at the right time.  It was quite possibly the find of the year.  All's it needed was a little cleaning.  Everything about it was pretty much perfect and it added just the right touch.  I had to have it.
As Ross said to Rachel: "you complete me kitchen, matey".

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