Sunday, June 24, 2012

Let's try this again...

Remember this post from last year regarding my vegetable turned pumpkin turned garden of weeds?  To save you the pain of re-living it I will grab the photo from the post last September:

This year I'm back at it, but with a new plan and a new attitude.  So far, it's working.  It all started this year on May 28th.  I went to the store, bought some food plants and started planting.  But this year I used my head a little bit first.  In attempt to cut back on the embarrassing weeds that last year brought, I got a little smarter and put some plastic down first this time.  It took a little more time, effort and a couple more mosquito bites but like I said, it's working so far.  I also cut back on the plants I put in and made sure there were no pumpkin seeds to be found so I wouldn't end up with a non-pumpkin-producing-patch again come mid-July.  Instead of having pumpkins sprouting I hope to have cucumbers, jalapenos, banana peppers and red and green bell peppers.
I didn't go hog wild with the before shots, but here are a few:

May 28, 2012

I ran out of plastic and had to leave one spot bare. Not to worry though, it's only over by the rhubarb where the plastic isn't and rhubarb will pretty much power through anything and grow.  I didn't do one single thing to this garden the first year I lived here and I had weeds and rhubarb sprouting all the time.  I feel kind of bad letting it be surrounded by weeds, but she's a tough bird--I think she can hold her own.
And the last picture is the picture of my red bell pepper.  I decided to try her in a pot for 
S & G's and see how she does in there.  I haven't taken progress pictures as of now, but there is one tiny pepper that's starting to grow.  Hopefully it will grow into a full pepper before some bird or squirrel snatches it up.
And yes, that is a pretty decent sized tree growing in my garden.  It's the same one I transplanted about two years ago into that spot.  I am pretty sure this fall I will find a permanent spot for it in my yard.  I wanted to keep it nice and safe in the garden while it got big enough to survive the yard.
Anyway, that's my garden update!  Hopefully I will have some good progress pictures to show in the next couple weeks.

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