Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bar? I don't think so.

Just look at this.  Seriously, when did these things get so small??  I do appreciate the fact that someone was kind enough to put them in a dish on their desk but c'mon Nestle.  There is no reason to even make this size of a candy "bar".  Speaking of...I don't even think you are legally allowed to call this a "bar".  I can think of four things off the top of my head that are referred to as "bars" and this is not one of them.  A bar of soap, a barbell, a bar that you drink at and the uneven bar(s) in gymnastics.  Ok, that last one was a stretch, but you get the point.  None of the items listed above even come close to resembling the size of this puny little excuse for chocolate goodness.  At best it should be called a "nugget" and even that's a stretch.  When people say drinking regular pop is just wasting calories, this is how I feel about this candy.  What's the point.  Yes, it gives you that glimpse of after-lunch-chocolate that people sometimes craze but it by no means satisfies.  I love the part on the back of the wrapper that says:  THIS UNIT IS NOT LABELED FOR RETAIL SALE.  No shit, Sherlock.  Can you imagine a mom with her 5 year old in the checkout line at the gas station and the mom tells the child he can pick out a candy bar and you have the King Size, the Regular Size and then the size shown here sitting on the shelf...which one is the kid going to pick?  Yeah, I am sure these babies would fly out of their cardboard cases if they were individually sold.  NOT!
Yes, i just used the phrase NOT! Yes, I took two Butterfinger's from the dish.  And yes, it was a total of two bites.

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