Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Apparently I am too old.

So yesterday I was stuck behind this guy on my entire 10 mile journey home from work.  No doubt you have seen trucks like this in your lifetime.  And you have probably been stuck behind one at one point or another.  You know the type; lots of reading material on the back, the dual (not to mention massive) antennas sticking out of the bed of the truck...something I have never understood, and the best part of all...the extremely loud exhaust, lack of muffler, or whatever you want to call it.  Now I am not one to get all uptight about things like loud cars or trucks--they can be super fun. BUT when you are behind one for ten miles and you have your windows down and can't even hear your radio without practically blowing out the speakers in your car, it can be a tad annoying.  Also throw in the fact that you at one point have to roll your windows up because of the rancid stench that is coming out of the dual exhaust.  As I got up closer I read a few of the stickers.  A few were military stickers (kudos to them for having a son in the military--I totally respect that), some were weird symbols that I could not even begin to guess at what they stood for, and then I spotted the classic "Loud Pipes Save Lives" sticker.  I am sure this is a true statement in more ways than one...A., even the deafest of deaf could hear this truck coming down the road and would be sure to get the hell out of the way if he or she should happen to be in the middle of the road and B. I would be willing to bet this truck is a gas guzzlin' hog so he is sure doing his part to keep the oil companies in business which in turn keeps their employees employed and thus keeps food on their table to keep them alive! 
That second one was a stretch but you get my point.
And then I spotted another sticker that read "If it's too loud, you're too old".  It kind of made me depressed as I had just been silently ragging on this obnoxious truck, but I soon got over it.  Apparently I don't care if I am too old.

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