Monday, July 15, 2013

Guest Quarters

This is long overdue, but better late than never!  Awhile ago I got a wild hair to update my guest room.  I put the blame solely on this bench:

You see, months ago I saw this bench at Target and knew it had to be mine.  Did I have a spot for it?  No.  Did I care?  No.  Was it over-priced?  Yes.  So I waited for this beauty to go on sale.  It finally did so I bought it.  It then went on sale even more, so after a couple store swapping scenarios, I got the bench I wanted at the final clearance price.  It was a win-win situation if you ask me.  :)  Now all's I needed to find was a perfect spot for her.  I decided the spare room would be the spot.
My spare room was needing attention.  Little did I realize how much attention it would get because of this small bench.  I still have a couple more things to add, like a possible headboard, replacing the picture on the side of the bed with something else and probably a bigger side table, but other than that, I can happily say that the room is just about complete.  Looking back at the picture below, I didn't ever realize how boring the old room was.  Nothing like a good bench find to get your butt in gear and spice up your old space!  
I started by taking out the carpet to expose the wood floor, painted the trim white and ditched the old, metal mini blinds to larger, wood blinds.

Of course I had to keep a basket of toys out for when my four legged brother and niece come over.  And see that pink-legged stool in the second picture up from here?  I bought that thing at a flea market for $2.  It had a ripped seat with fabric from the 80's, and the legs were black.  I cleaned it up, gave it a fresh coat of paint and re-stuffed and re-covered the seat and called it done.  Not too shabby for a $2 stool.


  1. Cute! I can't remember, are the walls blue, white or gray?
