Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fourth of July Snack

Sorry for the lame title of this post - I couldn't think of anything creative.  Maybe one will come to me while I write.  If so, I will delete these three sentences.

As I was thinking of what to make for my Fourth of July snack to share, I really wanted to do something tasty AND festive this year.  I was talking about some ideas with a friend of mine and he mentioned red, white and blue Rice Krispies.  That was basically the extent of our conversation.  I wasn't sure what he meant by it, but the thought went through my head for a few days... hmm...I could make a pan of bars and use red and blue frosting to draw a flag on the top...I could make separate red and blue bars and have them out on a plate... but then the light bulb went on and I thought: I will layer them and shove a stick through them and add a cute topper!
After thinking my plan through, here's what I came up with.  (This is actually my first batch; I made another batch after some tweaking and the second batch tasted a lot better.  And unfortunately I didn't get some key pictures because my camera battery died!)

Take a simple recipe and divide it by three.
note: add a couple more marshmallows and 1/2 tbs more of butter and they will taste A LOT better:

Melt mallows and butter in pan on low to medium heat.  Mix in food coloring and add Krispies.
Although this photo shows the red food coloring in the pan, (photoshopped in for effect, as I forgot to take a picture of this step) I made the "white" part of the flag first to avoid any color transfer into the white stripe. Make sense?  Good.

Have three 8"x8" pans lined with parchment paper ready and waiting...

Make the rest of the colors and put into separate pans. (again, sorry for not capturing some of the key steps):

 Lift out each color, lay blue down first (although picture shows differently, I learned from my mistake on 2nd batch), remove parchment paper from bottom of white and blue, stack on top of blue:

Place another piece of parchment paper on top, and press layers firmly together.  
Although it's not shown here, I added a little drizzle of white Betty Crocker cookie icing (the kind in a pouch) and some red, white and blue sprinkles to the top for some extra fun.
Cut into squares and add a fun Fourth of July topper and you have yourself a festive snack!

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