Friday, July 8, 2011

Is there an app for that??

A few months ago I had an idea for an app. I wrote to Apple and asked who I could talk to about it (so I could make royalties, be rich and just blog all day instead of work).
Well, Apple did not return my email, so I am not making royalties, I am definitely not rich and in case you didn’t notice, I don’t blog all day long.
I am sure every Tom, Dick and Harry has an idea for an app and I am sure Apple thinks they’ve covered them all. Well, to my knowledge (and lack of a Smart Phone to know for sure), they have yet to cover this one. I wanted to keep it a secret but since they obviously don’t plan on getting in touch with me, I suppose I can tell the world (or all 4 of you who read my blog daily) my idea.

My idea is....*drum roll please*......
An app that lets you know when you are using a word wrong or when a sentence doesn’t make sense. Spell check is great, but it still doesn’t fix all of the small, but important errors that can occur. My app idea popped back into my head yesterday as I was having an email conversation with a friend of mine. Now I admit, I am NOT a good speller whatsoever-- I would not be the blogger I am today without the help of the red squiggly line that appears to tell me I am making a goof—but this girl has got some pretty bad spelling/grammar habits and I think this app would help her.
We were discussing sleeping arrangements for an upcoming trip to a friends house and we were talking about who would sleep on the couch and who would sleep on the air mattress—here is a snippet of our conversation:

HER: We'll trade off on the coach- trust me, that coach is over 30 years old (it
was my parents first coach when they bought their first home before I was
born!) it should barely be sat on :)

ME: I don’t know why this word has come up before in our emails, but you have done this before...just LOOK at the way you spelled ‘couch’ ALL THREE TIMES in your paragraph. It’s not the coAch of a baseball team, it’s the coUch you sit on!

HER: Hahahahhhhhahahh!!!!! I am laughing OUT LOUD right now!!!!!! Couch...couch... Must remember how to spell couch. Couch. Couch. Couch.

To read more of her email faux pas, click here where she self admits her faults. I don’t what’s more funny; the way she has rambles on about the American money, or what her sister says to call her out on it! Classic!

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