Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Early Birthday, Blog!

Dear Something To Blog About,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  I got you a facelift; do you like it?  I don't think it's quite perfect yet, I am going to have to do some research at work tomorrow and make sure my work computer is jiving with my home computer.  I was having technical glitches as usual while making your gift...I hope you forgive me.
I know it's a tad early for your gift and I am jumping the gun on your birthday....for some reason I had it in my head that your first post was on January 6th, but just as I put your new face out for the world to see, I looked back at your records and see that you were in fact, first posted to on January 8th.  Oh well, who doesn't like an early birthday present, right?  If I happen to not like your new face in a day or two, maybe I will do some tweaks, but for now, this is your gift and you'll like it.
You will notice that instead of your vintage Mac computer on your face like you used to have, you have a newer model.  It's not brand new by any means, but it is a lot newer than that old one that only had a green and black screen.  You also have a new type face and are a bit more edgy/trendy with the "seventies" color scheme I applied to your background.
The computer picture you have as your face is the computer I sit and stare at when I write posts on you;  therefore, I thought that it was an appropriate photo to use.
And, if you didn't think your facelift was enough, I got you something else.  You've gone mobile!  That's right old friend, I checked a little box and you are now sittin' pretty in case anyone wants to open you up on their smarty pants phone.  Your text will be to size, your pictures won't run off the screen and you have the exact same address; you will just automatically know when you are being opened on a mobile device and you will put your "smart" hat on and know to convert!  Oh Blog, you are so smart!

Have a great birthday--I look forward to many more great posts together!


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