Tuesday, January 31, 2012


While browsing online for shower curtains today, I came across this:

It wasn't my first sighting of this design or something very similar during my hunt for the perfect shower curtain over the past few weeks, but today was the first time I realized one important detail that made me go: "Why?"
I get the whole "Psycho"-ness behind the shower curtain/knife/blood scene and to some, it's probably really funny and appropriate if you are into that sorta thing.  The one thing I don't get though...the added "with sound" bonus.  I didn't capture the full description in the shown screen shot, but it goes on to tell you that the shower curtain basically has some shrieks and shrills from the movie Psycho in a special sealed, water proof pouch and goes off with either the touch of a button or you can have it be motion activated.  Is it really necessary to add the sound??  Why don't they throw a camera on it and a speaker so it can double as an video camera too?  And really, how many times is that shriek actually going to scare you when you know it's there??  The people who buy this curtain must only take showers once a month or something or they save it and hang it up only when company comes over.  Between the putrid, over-powering, can-smell-it-through-the-entire-house, vinyl smell that the reviewers wrote about and the stupid sound machine built into the curtain, your guests will probably never come back!
Needless to say, this curtain will not be on my new bathroom wish list.

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