Tuesday, December 11, 2012

what i've been up to

I can gladly say that my computer room is back in somewhat working order!  I am no longer laying on my stomach on the floor to type blog entries which my back could not be happier about.  I will give you the rundown of the project when it's all said and done but in a nut shell, here's the deal so far:  Three paint colors (one which was actually applied to every single wall, one that was tested in a few spots and one that was finally the final one) and three 5'x8' rugs later, I finally have made peace with this room!  Now I just have to hang some stuff on the walls, get a piece of furniture or two in here, lay the rug down and I'm good to go!  I didn't feel like digging for any "before" shots of this room, but here is as it sits right now.  As I type I am patiently waiting for my 3M Command Nails to adhere to the wall so I can hang up some pictures.  I spent literally probably and hour and a half total trying to decide how to hang things and how to hang them symmetrically and proportionally on the large empty wall.  Math can be so tricky!

Even though it's not 100% complete, I LOVE this little corner.  I braved Ikea (after my very first trip to that store I swore I'd never go back) and picked up those shelves the other weekend.  I hate to admit it, but the store has grown on me a bit.  Not that I will go there all the time, but I won't avoid it like the Plague anymore.
Anyway, more on that room once it's complete.

I have a new position at work that I love.  It was time for a change of pace and although a good friend of mine left the company and I took her spot, I am very glad I was given the opportunity to learn something new!

It's almost Christmas!  Wow, I can't believe it.  Time flies.  Our family is doing something a little different this year that I'm excited about.  My Grandpa always said that instead of gifts we should go serve food at a shelter or give gifts to a family in need.  So in memory of him this year, we are taking the money that we would have spent on gifts for him and buying for a local family in need.  I am sure he would be proud.  :)  It will be sad and just not the same without him around the tree with all of us this year and I will defiantly miss reading his funny way of writing out the tags in his all caps handwriting as my aunt Kris and I gather all the gifts from under the tree and pass them out: "LEIANNEEEEE"...."KIMMY"...."TIMMY"....."JEFFREEEY"...."ASHLEEEEE"..."KRISEEE"
I wonder how he would have written out Niall's name - I am guessing something like this:  "NIAAAALLL".

And now for good measure, I recent picture of my little Ni Guy and my Christmas tree in all her glory.  Merry Christmas and Happy Shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of buying for a family in need rather than gifts. Not only is it more meaningful, but it also alleviates the stress of buying gifts. I was just thinking how I almost enjoy Thanksgiving more than Christmas because of the lack of presents and more focus on just being together with your family!
