Sorry about the lack of blogging over the last week; nothing really has been really news worthy to write about. I try to blog when I have something interesting to say, I don't like to post just to post. I like to keep you interested. :) I like to compare my blogging to something my 4th grade Social Studies teacher said once that I will never forget. He was having us make a map of a country in the world and we had about a week to do it. He also said that if we had time we could make more maps for extra credit. He told us though to focus on our main map and make it good before working on the extra credit. He said "I would rather have one really good pizza than ten bad pizzas." This is so true, isn't it? He put it in such simple terms but it makes perfect sense!
Anyway... back to the post.
I STILL have Idol Fever. I think I am more obsessed with Scotty and Lauren now than I was during the final show. Every time I see there is a video clip of them being interviewed I am all over it like white on rice. I cannot get enough! I am SO glad those two made it to the end--their personalities are so genuine, they are contagious!
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During my obsession yesterday, I checked out my usual site for celebrity gossip- and was reading every article on these two. I clicked on this article and could not believe I read this tweet from Jennifer Hudson (a singer, celebrity and a former Idol contestant herself): “Hey yal didn’t tell me tonight was American idol finale ! I had no idea !!” Common J-Hud, unless you have lived under a rock for the last week, you should have had some inkling that Idol was coming down to the finale. Didn't one of your fellow tweeters have something to say about the final show being on that night??
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