Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pot luck

Why is the term Pot Luck so weird? Since when does "Pot" and "Luck" mean "let's bring in food and pig out"? A good coworker and even better friend of mine left our company yesterday to move onto greener pastures. He will be missed to say the least. He is also an avid STBA reader and claims to be the biggest fan--hopefully my blog address will follow him to his next company and I will be the first "favorite" he puts on his new web browser :)

Back to the subject at hand....Pot Lucks... we had a good bye Pot Luck yesterday at work for my friend and it was great. It's so funny though to me that no matter what the time of day, if there is a pot luck at work, anything goes. Meatballs and little wieners in BBQ sauce at 8:30 in the morning, why not?! Do you want some of this olive oil based pasta salad?..It's really good, you should try it. ..... Sure, just cram it onto my small paper plate next to the watermelon who's juice has run into my chocolate brownie, which has already been saturated in ranch flavored veggie dip.
And why is it you get so excited to see something at the pot luck that you see almost every single time you walk down the junk food isle at Cub or could possibly already have sitting stale and half-gone in your cupboard at home? The thoughts run through your head....oh my gosh!, I didn't see those Sour Cream & Onion chips sitting there at the end of the counter.... plate is already full but I really want the chips....I will just take a few and sprinkle them on top of everything else already covering every single inch of my 8 inch plate.
Maybe the "luck" part of it means that if you are lucky, you will leave the pot luck without any BBQ sauce on your shirt and you will go back to your desk, look into your little mirror and realize you were successful at frantically (and discreetly) trying to get all of the debris out of your teeth with that tongue/sucking method while making small talk with unfamiliar coworkers.

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