Thursday, October 13, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge - Days 11, 12 & 13

Day 11: Something blue.
--Kids, this is called a Pay Phone.  Back before cell phones, when people needed to use a phone while not at home, they had to pull their car over on the side of the road or stop at a gas station and use one of these.  You put a dime or a quarter in and you got to dial a number.  You only got a certain amount of time to use the phone or the Operator would cut you off if you didn't deposit more coins.  You could not text, email or check Facebook from these phones.

Day 12: Sunset.
I must be jinxed when it comes to 'sky' pictures in this photography challenge.  When I had to shoot Clouds on Day 3 there was not a cloud to be found and on Day 12 the sun was hidden behind a dark layer of clouds all day long, which made for a pretty pathetic sunset.  I was able to catch a glimpse of it through some small cloud breakage but otherwise, it's pretty sad.

Day 13: Yourself with 13 things.
I thought for sure I would have 13 chapsitcks/lip glosses laying around the house to shoot, but turns out I was a few short so I had to substitute a couple USB drives because they are roughly the same size.  The tube of Mary Kay is technically night cream, but I do put it on my lips at night.  :)
Oh, and if you look close at the grainy/poor lit (sorry!) picture, you might be able to see that one of the lip glosses is not actually lip gloss, but zit cover-up!  Waa haa haaaa!! 

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